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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

cara jempol fb 1x klik

cript untuk menyukai status pengguna fb secara otomatis yang ada di beranda fb (home), grup, fans page atau di wall teman anda. Dicoba dulu siapa tahu bisa Hehe...Selamat mencoba aLL :)

*Caranya :
1. Klik pada halaman yang hendak anda sukai
2. Copy script berikut dan pastekan pada Address Bar atau alamat url di browser (mozilla firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc) kamu, dan lihat hasilnya...................Hehehe ;D
3. UPDATED: script berikut TIDAK BERFUNGSI pada browser Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome versi TERBARU jadi gunakan versi lama untuk Mozilla & Chrome atau alternatif lain anda bisa gunakan browser OPERA atau Safari.

javascript:var i=0;ex=0;s=0;function EXP_ALL() {ExpandComm = document.getElementsByTagName("input");for(e = 0; e < ExpandComm.length; e++){myClass = ExpandComm[e].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("stat_elem") >= 0)if (ExpandComm[e].getAttribute("name") == "view_all")ExpandComm[e].click()}}function JEMPOLERS(){jempol = document.getElementsByTagName("button");for(j = 0; j < jempol.length; j++){myClass = jempol [j].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("like_link") >= 0)if(jempol [j].getAttribute("name") == "like")jempol[j].click ()};}function JEMPOLERC(){buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");for(x = 0; x < buttons.length; x++){myClass = buttons [x].getAttribute("class");if(myClass != null && myClass.indexOf("stat_elem") >= 0)if(buttons [x].getAttribute("title") == "Like this comment")buttons[x].click()};}function updateTime(){ex=ex+1;i=i+1;s=s+1;if (ex==70) {EXP_ALL();ex=0};if (s==60){ex=0;JEMPOLERS ();s=0};if (i==2){JEMPOLERC();i=0;}}alert('-==[Salam 1 Jiwa Untuk Semuanya]==-\n\n');updateTime();window.setInterval (updateTime, 1000);void(0)

Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook

Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook

Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook - Selamat malam cah! Pada kesempatan ini cah kudus akan share lagi mengenai facebook, hehe. Ehh, kok gak ada bosennya ck share info facebook terus, wkeke gak apa-apa ya. 4 hari yang lalu saya baru saja share Tips Mudah Membuat Status Facebook Kosong Blong. Jika belum pernah coba buat status facebook blong silakan dicoba saja. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan share Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook. Postingan ini sebagai pelengkap postingan sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan chat facebook, yaitu :
  1. Emoticon Chat Facebook
  2. Post Simbol Unik di Status, Wall, Chat Facebook
  3. Tips Menulis Huruf Tebal, Garis Bawah di Chat Facebook
Penasaran kan? Oke langsung ke TKP cah.
  • Seperti biasa, silakan login facebook dulu -
  • Tentukan target teman yang ingin diajak chat, jika sudah menemukan target, silakan tembak, wkekeke. (Bercanda cah). Maksud saya silakan ketikkan kode ini di chat : (y)
  • Tekan tombol Enter. Bagaimana tampilannya jempol kan? hehe
Tadi saya sudah mencoba, tampilannya di chat facebook seperti ini.

Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook
Silakan langsung dicoba cah, semoga bermanfaat. Share ke teman-teman yang lain ya (klik saja tombol like di bawah postingan, hehe). Semangat malam! :D

Baca selengkapnya : Tips Mudah Membuat Gambar Jempol di Chat Facebook | Cah Kudus
Difference - Cah Kudus (Alam Yuda)
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial

FullHack Trial

FullHack Trial

game, WH + Damage + Ammo + Anti kick + Hover + Smena + Ghost and other 
Simple WallHack
Chams CT
Chams TR
No Smoke
No Fog
Access GM CT
Access GM Tero
Auto Hit SG
Auto Hit K1,2, Awp
hack Bintang
Freeze Reload
Brutal Animation
Magnet Pro
Replace Pistol
Replace Pisau
Replace Granad
Replace Asap
Char Robot CT
Char Robot Tero
Cara pakai magnet: Siapkan Bom, on kan magnet (END) Udah kill langsung Offkan (HOME)
Jangan menembak saat magnet ON
Untuk replace pisau gunakan sesekali aja jngan digunakan terus menerus
Nb: Jika cit gk aktif, berarti trial habis.

Credit : Andaus Firdaus

Untuk pengguna win7:
1. Klik kanan di cheatnya > properties > set compatibility ke windows xp sp 2 atau windows server 2003 lalu run
as administrator
2. Klik kanan Pb Launcher > run as administrator
3. Start PB
4. Enjoy

jika cheat error, download jamu pendukung cheat dibawah ini:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 (Install)
Vcredist x86 (Install)
D3DX9_42.dll (Simpan di System32)
D3DX9_43.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
msvcr100.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
msvcp100.dll (Simpan di System32 & Folder PB)
msvcr100d.dll (Simpan di System32)
msvcp100d.dll (Simpan di System32)
msvcr80.dll (Simpan di System32)


Budget Update

Budget Update
Posted Date:6/1/2012 6:00 PM
Outlook for City budget looks brighter but RDA potential impacts are a serious concern
June 2012
The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel appears to be getting a little brighter for the City of Santa Clara’s budget situation, although there are still many miles to go before the City can fully emerge from the difficult days of the Great Recession. Serious concerns remain regarding the potential impacts on the City’s General Fund of the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency by the State of California, which could be in the millions of dollars. Full impacts will not be known, perhaps for months.
The proposed City budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13 scheduled for public hearing on June 12 follows the Budget Principles. These principles have been adopted by the City Council and updated annually starting several years ago when revenues to the General Fund were hard hit by one of the worst economic climates in recent U.S. history, and emergency reserves were used over several years in order to balance the budget. Other major actions taken include keeping more than 100 positions vacant, and the implementation of unpaid furlough days.
A mid-year revenue report to the City Council at the end of March brought encouraging news about the three major sources of revenue to the General Fund – property tax, sales tax and Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) charged to guests staying at local hotels and motels. Property tax, which had decreased for the previous two years, had leveled off and is expected to start to grow again in the upcoming fiscal year. Both sales tax and TOT were coming in above estimates and also expected to continue to rebound.
In March, staff projected that the City would end its fiscal year on June 30 with revenues about $8.9 million above budget. Of this, $6.1 million is in restricted development fees from the Stadium project. These one-time plan check fees and building permit fees can only be used for development review and any unspent amounts will be transferred at year-end to the Building Inspection Reserve in accordance with adopted Council policy and applicable laws. By policy, the first $3 million of unexpended, unrestricted revenues (currently estimated at $2.8 million) in the General Fund are transferred to the Working Capital (Emergency) Reserve account at the end of the year. Amounts above $3 million, if any, would be transferred to the Capital Projects Reserve. As of December 31, 2011, the Working Capital (Emergency) Reserve had a balance of $4.1 million towards its target goal of $35 million for emergencies.
In preparing the budget for FY 2012-13, the City continues to look for ways to reduce expenses and find long-term solutions to the General Fund’s structural deficit. Past actions have included concessions (specifically, foregoing salary increases and agreeing to unpaid furloughs) by eight of the City’s 10 bargaining units, and layoffs in represented employee groups who did not agree to concessions. In addition, the City has eliminated, frozen or held vacant more than 100 positions and reorganized systems and workloads to minimize the impact of the loss of these positions on delivery of services to the community. During negotiations with bargaining units in the coming year, the City will explore other actions such as a two-tier pension plan to help reduce the rising cost of retiree benefits.
Although the City has been aggressive in pursuing ways to balance the budget during the lingering recession that has so significantly affected revenues, its work has been made even more difficult by State actions such as the loss of motor vehicle license fees which took away about $400,000 in revenue during 2011-12 and the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency that removed more than $3 million from the General Fund in reimbursements for staff time, and has the potential to impact an additional $12 million in lease revenues.
During the next year, more details about the RDA dissolution will be worked out by an Oversight Boardrepresenting the City, County, California Community Colleges, Santa Clara Valley Water District, and the County Office of Education. Potentially at risk are other RDA-related sources of revenue to the General Fund such as ground leases that bring in about $12 million per year. These leases of City-owned land could be challenged by the State due to past RDA involvement in the properties.
In the meantime, the City is moving ahead with plans for expanding its efforts to encourage business growth in Santa Clara. All of the current FY 2011-2013 City Council adopted goals focus on enhancing economic development for the benefit of the community. In addition to Council’s Economic Development Committee, the City Manager and Department Heads serve as the Economic Development Team, an award winning approach which has helped Santa Clara to foster business development. The position of Economic Development Officer is another point of contact for new businesses coming into the City and existing businesses that want to expand.
Things are also looking more positive for the Electric Utility, and also for the Water & Sewer Utility whose structural budget deficits have been reduced or eliminated through necessary rate increases that were approved and went into effect in fiscal year 2011-12. Neither of these funds is expected to need to use reserves in 2012-13 to achieve a balanced budget, and will be able to continue their work to update existing infrastructure for ongoing reliable and efficient service to the Santa Clara community.
An ongoing challenge for the General Fund departments is the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget which continues to struggle to keep up with infrastructure needs of the community. It is currently estimated the City has $125 million in unfunded capital project needs with no dedicated source of revenue.

20 Tips & Trick FaceBook Yang Mungkin Belum Anda Ketahui

Jika Anda surfing Facebook setiap hari atau kadang-kadang, kemungkinan Anda sudah akrab dengan barang-barang biasa seperti menambah / menghapus teman-teman, update status, dinding dan profil, menambahkan dan menjelajahi halaman & aplikasi, dll, tapi ada lagi ..
Minggu ini kita ingin membahas beberapa hal menarik yang dapat Anda lakukan pada (atau dengan) Facebook; termasuk trik yang tidak didokumentasikan atau belum banyak diketahui
1. Menempatkan Facebook Chat di Samping Browser Firefox (Sidebar)
Facebook Chat sangatlah keren, setidaknya itu memungkinkan Anda untuk mengirim pesan instan ke kontak Facebook online. Namun penempata chat box-nya berada di bagian bawah halaman, bagaimana jika ketika kita sudah Sign Out dari Facebook tetapi masih ingin tetap Chating dengan teman anda? Jika Anda menggunakan Firefox, Anda dapat menempatkan Facebook Chat di sidebar. Caranya Adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Pada menu Bookmarks, pilih Organize Bookmarks ?
  • Klik pada New Bookmark ?
  • Masukkan nama. Masukkan, kemudian centang pada Load this bookmark in the sidebar
  • Kemudian pada menu Bookmarks, pilih Almat yang telah Anda Bookmark tadi. 

2. Mendownload Satu Album Sekaligus dari Facebook
Dengan Mozilla anda dapat mendownload add-ons FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader yang memungkinkan Anda untuk men-download Album Anda /teman-teman Anda , sekaligus, dengan satu klik
3. Update Status Tanpa Log In Via Facebook
hellotxt dan memperkenalkan fitur-fitur yang memungkinkan administrator update FacebookFacebook Pages.
4. Cara Menjadwalkan Pengiriman Pesan di Facebook
Sendible memungkinkan Anda menjadwalkan pesan Facebook terlebih dahulu sehingga Anda dapat mengirim pesan ke teman, pelanggan atau kolega di masa depan.
5. Bagaimana Membunyikan Status Updates Dari Teman Anda di Facebook
Sebuah tutorial singkat tentang Makeuseof untuk memandu Anda cara menyembunyikan update status Facebook dan menjaga kerahasiaannya dari teman-teman yang Anda tentukan.
6. Cara Membuat Foto Temen Kuliah/Alumni Profil di Facebook
Klik pada tab Friends. Lanjutkan ke tab More. Dari ?Choose an option?, pilih salah satu tanda strip ?-?. Lanjutkan dengan muali memilih Teman-teman sekuliahan/alumi.

7. Cara Mengetahui Jika Diam-diam Temen Facebook Menghapus atau Mem-Blok Account Anda 
X-Friends adalah alat yang unik untuk melacak teman-teman yang menghapus atau mem-Blok account anda
8. Cara Men-Sharing Foto Di Flickr ke Facebook
Flickr2Facebook memungkinkan Anda meng-upload foto ke Facebook dari Flickr.
9. Bagaimana Cara Menampilkan Foto yang Muncul di Profil Facebook 
Fitur di Facebook yang memungkinkan Anda memutuskan siapa yang muncul di kotak Friends. Klik?edit? di kotak Teman Anda dan ketik nama-nama teman-teman terbaik Anda dalam kotak ?Always show these friends?
10. Cara Menghapus Iklan di Facebook
Greasemonkey ini script ? adalah Facebook: Cleaner menghapus banyak iklan yang mengganggu dan pembaruan yang mau tidak mau muncul pada halaman Facebook.
11. Bagaimana Menghubungkan Foto Teman di Facebook Dengan Kontak di Microsoft Outlook
OutSync adalah aplikasi gratis dari Windows yang menghubungkan foto teman di Facebook Dengan kontak di Microsoft Outlook. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih kontak yang diperbarui. Sehingga Anda dapat memperbarui semua kontak sekaligus atau hanya beberapa pada satu waktu.
12. Bagaimana Menampilkan Status di Facebook pada Blog WordPress
Metode berikut ini memanfaatkan status Facebook dan WordPress RSS widget untuk menampilkan Status Facebook di WordPress blog .
13. Bagaimana Cara Posting Blog Post di Facebook Secara Otomatis
Wordbook atau NetworkedBlogs memungkinkan Anda untuk cross-posting blog Anda ke Facebook Wall. Facebook Anda ?box? tab akan menampilkan posting blog terbaru.
14. Bagaimana Akses Facebook Chat di Desktop
Gabtastik dan Digsby memungkinkan anda mengakses Facebook Chat pada desktop WindowsAnda diluar web browser, menggunakan resolusi dan sistem memory yang minimal.
15. Cara Membuat Mudah Kuis di Facebook
LOLapps menyediakan tempat untuk membuat kuis yang dapat digunakan dengan mudah dan dapat kita share di Facebook.
16. Cara Menyembunyikan Status Online Anda di Facebook Chat Dengan Memilih Kategori Kontak
Facebook memiliki daftar teman yang terintegrasi dengan Chat dan Anda juga dapat memilih anggota mana saja dalam daftar kontak tersebut yang bisa melihat Anda online.
17. Bagaimana Mendapatkan Update Status Pada Facebook di Email
NutshellMail mengkonsolidasikan account Facebook Anda melalui kotak masuk yang sering Anda gunakan.
18. Cara Update Facebook Status dari Firefox
FireStatus adalah utilitas update status untuk berbagai jaringan sosial, termasuk Facebook.
19. Bagaimana Cara Facebook-an di Desktop Anda
Seesmic Desktop, FacebookerXobniFacebook Sidebar GadgetScrapboy and Facebook AIR application adalah aplikasi desktop yang memungkinkan Anda berinteraksi seperti halnya yang Anda lakukan di Facebook, tapi tanpa browser.
20. Cara Menghapus, Membatalkan Account dan Profil Kita di Facebook
Sebuah panduan sederhana untuk menghapus atau membatalkan account dan profile Facebookkita dengan mudah.


Nama :edy
Umur  :27 (kurang lebih)

jika anda menemukan tolong hubungi kantor polisi ter dekat/hubungi no:085227252381