Password | What it does |
sv_cheats 0 | Disable Cheats |
sv_cheats 1 | Enables Cheats |
god 0 | Disables god mode |
god 1 | Enables god mode|+|cannot be hurt |
no clip | Enables/Disables the ability to fly through levels |
nb_blind 0 | Visible to infected |
nb_blind 1 | Invisible to infected (Can still be detected wen touched) |
nb_delete_all | Clears all infected, special infected and survivors |
z_add | Adds a single infected |
z_spawn | Spawns a common infected |
z_spawn #bossname | Change #bossname with the name of a special infected: tank, boomer, smoker, witch, hunter, mob. Spawns them at your crosshair |
give #weaponname | Change #weaponname with name of weapon: smg, shotgun, rifle, auto_shotgun, hunting_rifle, first_aid_kit, pain_pills, health, oxygentank, propanetank, gascan, pipe_bomb, molotov. Equips your character with the designated weapon |
z_health # | Change # with integer. Spawns infected with chosen amount of health. Anything lower than 1 will not spawn. |
fire | Drops a molotov in the center of the character lighting you on fire |
boom | Drops a pipebomb in the center of the character ready to explode |
z_common_limit 30 | Default limit on amount of infected within a mob |
z_mob_spawn_min_size # | Change # with interger. Changes minimum amount of infected within a mob |
z_mob_spawn_max_size # | Change # with interger. Changes maximum amount of infected within a mob |
rescue_distance # | Change # with interger. Changes amount of distance from a dead survivors corpse must be reached before they can be rescued. |
rescue_min_dead_time # | or dies that muChange # with interger. Changes amount of time elapsed after a survivst be reached before they can be rescued. |
sv_infinite_ammo 1 | infinite ammo = no realoading = awesome! ~ |
give pain_pills | gives you some pain pills ~ |
give rifle | gives you m47 rifle ~ |
give first_aid_kit | gives you first aid kit ~ |
give gascan | gives you a gascan |
give oxygentank | gives you an oxygen tank |
give propanetank | gives you a propane tank |
director_force_panic | sets off a panic event, where zombies rush at you |
director_no_mobs | turns off all mob events |
z_tank_health (#) | sets maximum health for a tank |
name # | changes your name |
z_spawn # Animal name | Spawns an infected animal. |
give lasergun | Give's survivor a laser gun |
thirdperson | it lets you see your character |
sv_infinite_ammo 1 | your ammo will be unlimited |
thirdpersonshoulder | Changes the view so you'll be able to see your survivor. |
cl_crosshair_dynamic 0 | Makes your crosshairs small for all weapons and they won't expand. |
cl_crosshair_dynamic 1 | Changes the crosshairs back to normal. |
map l4d_hospital01_apartments | Changes the map and campaign to No Mercy-Apartments. |
map l4d_airport01_greenhouse | Changes map and campaign to Dead Air-Greenhouse. |
map l4d_farmhouse01_forest | Changes map and campaign to Blood Harvest-The Woods. |
vocalize PlayerDeath | Makes the survivor you are playing as scream. (Works in all game modes) |
bind (name of key) (name of console command) | Binds the key of your choosing to the console command of your choosing. (Example: bind n "noclip") Note: You must put quotation marks aroun the console comman. |
sb_all_bot_team 1 | Makes the entire survivor team AIs. |
mp_gamemode versus/coop/survival | Changes the game mode to whatever you choose. (Example: mp_gamemode versus changes the game mode to versus.) |
bot_mimic 1 | Makes a specific SI or Survivor follow every one of your movements. |
kill | Kills the Survivor/Infected you are playing as. |
impulse10 | Drops all weapons/equipment in front of you. |
give rifle | Gives your Survivor an M16 |
give hunting_rifle | Gives your Survivor a Mini-14 Hunting Rifle.(Mini-14 is the actual model of the gun) |
give pistol | Gives your Survivor a second pistol |
give smg | Gives your Survivor a Mini Uzi |
give pumpshotgun | Gives your Survivor a pump shotgun. |
give autoshotgun | Gives your Survivor a Benelli M4 autoshotgun |
turn to zombie # zombie name | turning to be example hunter tanker witch |
sv_cheats 0 | disable cheats |
sv_cheats 1 | enable cheats |
god 0 | disable god mode |
god 1 | you will not die |
buddha 0 | disable buddha |
buddha 1 | you will take damage but will not die |
noclip | lets you walk through walls |
mp_gamemode (name of gamemode) | changes game mode example:survival coop versus |
give (weapon name) | give weapons and healing items example:rifle hunting rifle pumpshotgun autoshotgun pistol gascan propentank molotov pipe bomb first aid kit pain pills health |
wrap_all_survivors_to_checkpoint | puts all survivors in the safehouse |
wrap_far_survivor_here | puts the furthest survivor where the crosshair is pointing |
wrap_all_survivors_here | puts all the survivor including you where the crosshair is pointing |
z_add | adds a single infected |
z_spawn | spawns a common infected |
z_spawn (bossname) | spawns a zombie boss example:tank hunter smoker boomer witch |
sv_infinite_ammo | unlimited ammo and no need to reaload |
kick (bossname or survivor name) | kill the bossname or survivor name example:tank hunter smoker boomer witch louis zoey francis bill note:you cannot kill the survivor that you are controling |
map l4d_hospital01_apartments | hanges the map and campaign to No Mercy-Apartments |
map l4d_airport01_greenhouse | Changes map and campaign to Dead Air-Greenhouse |
vocalize PlayerDeath | Makes the survivor you are playing as scream |
map l4d_farmhouse01_forest | Changes map and campaign to Blood Harvest-The Woods |
help | your team mates helps you |
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Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012
cheate left 4 dead 1 dan 2
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012
Baru Kumpulan Cheat Plants Vs Zombies 2012 Terbaru
Baru Kumpulan Cheat Plants Vs Zombies 2012 Terbaru

1. Download disini dan install dulu Plants vs Zombies.
2. Dowload dan Install

4. Jalankan game Plant vs Zombie,

5. Jalankan Cheat Engine

7. Setelah itu cobalah untuk bermain dan lihat pada jumlah matahari sobat, pasti 50! [Lihat Gambar]
6. Sekarang saatnya beraksi Alt+Tab lagi / pindah ke

8. Jika matahari telah didapatkan ingat-ingat jumlah matahari anda sekarang.
9. Alt+Tab lagi dan kembali lagi pada Cheat Engine, ketikkan berapa jumlah matahari anda sekarang pada cheat engine, (contoh 75, lalu next scan.)
10. Double klik pada value hasil Next Scan tadi [Lihat Gambar].
11. Double klik pada value addres, tempatnya dibawah sendiri dan gan ti menjadi 9999999 [Lihat Gambar].

10. Klik tombol aktiv, agar

2. Cheat Plants Vs Zombies - Hack Money
1. Jalankan game plants vs zombies
2. Buka Cheat Engine 6.1 atau yang

3. Jalankan game Plant vs Zombie, setelah loadingnya selesai tekan tombol keyboard Alt + Tab.
4. Jalankan Cheat Engine yang telah anda Install anda akan melihat tampilan seperti ini [Lihat Gambar], kemudian klik pada gambar komputer [Lihat Gambar].
6. Kemudian akan muncul

4. Masuk ke game Plant vs Zombie, klik Shop.
5. Lihatlah berapa jumlah uang yang anda punya.(Tidak Boleh Nol 0).
6. Alt+Tab Pindah ke CheatEngine, Lihat berapa jumlah uang yang anda miliki sekarang kemudian dibagi dengan 10. (Misalnya uang anda 10000, ketik pada CheatEngine 1000 kemudian klik scan.)
7. Masuk ke game Plant vs Zombie, belilah salah satu barang.
8. Alt+Tab Pindah ke CheatEngine, lihat berapa jumlah uang yang anda miliki setelah dibelanjakan kemudian dibagi dengan 10. dan masukan pada CheatEngine>NextScan.
9. Jika sudah ketemu ganti value hasil scan tadi dengan angka berapapun yang sobat inginkan.
10. Selesai Cheat Plants vs Zombies dengan

3. Cheat Code
Ketikan cheat code dibawah ini saat permainan sedang dimulai.
- Alternate Lawn Mower appearance: trickedout
- Hujan
permen saat zombie mati: pinata
- Aster muncul saat zombie mati: daisies
- Zombies
berjalan pelan: slowboke
- Zombies memakai kacamata: future
- Zombies berkumis: mustache
- Zombies menari: dance
- Toggles zombie
call for brains sound: sukhbir
Bagi Yang berminat silahkan download pada link dibawah:
> Baru Kumpulan Cheat Plants Vs Zombies 2012 Terbaru
Cara Membuat Emoticon Gambar Buatan Sendiri di Chat Facebook
Cara Membuat Emoticon Gambar Buatan Sendiri di Chat Facebook
Dan juga dari yang awalnya emoticonnya terbatas chat facebook sekarang sudah memiliki berbagai emoticon tambahan seperti yang aku posting tahun 2011 lalu Emoticon Terbaru Chat Facebook 2011 dan Cara Memasukan Gambar Foto Profil di Chat Facebook. Hingga ada aplikasi untuk chat facebook di Windows Aplikasi Facebook Massenger Untuk Komputer (Windows 7).
Selain Emoticon-emoticon FB diatas kita juga bisa mengeksplorasi chat facebook untuk memasukan berbagai foto apa saja sesuai keinginan kita seperti contoh di chat facebook ini yan kuselipkan pic logo Blogger Banua
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Cara Membuat Emoticon Gambar Kita ke Chat Fb
Untuk membuat gambar yang bisa dimasukan ke chat facebook sobat bisa menuju ke FB Chat Code Maker
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Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song Lyrics
Feb 1, 2012
Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song Lyrics
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anyhing
I'm gonna kick my feet up
Then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand down my pants
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't
I'll be lying on the couch,
just chillin' in my snuggie
Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh Oh
Yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up do some P90X
Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
She's gonna scream out: 'This is Great'
[Hear me out: this is great]
I might mess around, get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry paps, you'll just have to wait
Oh Oh
Yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No no no no no no no no no-oh
I'll just strike in my birthday suite
And let everything hang loose
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah-eah
Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all